Literacy Narrative Peer Review

In class today, we will be reviewing one another’s literacy narratives and giving feedback towards revision. You will each read and make comments on your group members’ narratives in Google Docs, and then write a brief letter to the writer summarizing your response to their narrative in terms of the rubric criteria. You will email that response “letter” to the writer and to me.

The reviewing groups will be as follows:

Group 1:




Group 2:




Here’s how it will work…

Step 1: Upload your narrative to GoogleDocs as demonstrated in class. DO CONVERT to a Google Doc so that readers can make comments (this is different than stated previously).

Step 2: Click SHARE in the upper right corner and copy-and-paste the gmail addresses of your group members from the list above. Make sure “Can Edit” is selected.

Step 3: Read and make marginal comments on your group members’ narratives, focusing on the criteria from the rubric.

Step 4: Write a 1/2 – 1 page letter to the reader that includes at least one thing the writer did well and one area for improvement, focusing on the criteria from the rubric.

Step 5: Email your response to the author and to me at

Step 6: Discuss your global comments with the author and give them a chance to explain their intentions for the narrative. Discuss how your reading aligned/misaligned with the author’s intent, and how to revise to better align the two.

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